Refund Policy
Return Policy
Please email us at with any return claims.
When you receive your shipment, please inspect the packaging carefully, and note with the delivery driver any damage to the packaging at the time. If possible, take pictures and send them to us - and we will assist you in replacing your order. The customer must notify us of damaged or missing items within three business days.
Please allow 7-10 business days for returns to be inspected and credited once received.
Product photos of the items available on our site are stock photography supplied by the manufacturer and not guaranteed to completely represent what is included. Please review the item description to confirm all components and part numbers that will be included in the purchase.
The customer is responsible for return freight and will not be refunded original outgoing freight charges unless item is defective or damaged during original outgoing shipment.
Returns must be made within 30 days of delivery. A restocking fee of 15% will apply to returns that are not in brand new, sellable condition (including packaging). A 15% restocking fee will also apply to any returns made after 30 days.
We unfortunately do not offer exchanges for items. We instead will process a return and refund for the unwanted item(s), and the customer is free to place a new order for the correct product(s).